Thursday, August 21, 2008

Progress (sort of)

So far, this has been like all the other summers since 2002 for me, except that Wayne hasn't had to go back to Ottawa for work several times. Consequently, "we" (royal "we") are getting more work done on our renovations than "we" usually do. Whether it's progress is debatable when I look in the kitchen and see bare walls, pipes sticking through the floor, and a lone range. Most of the cupboards went to the dump already, the old drawers are stacked around the dining room holding cutlery etc and the rest of the excellent wood from them is waiting its turn to try and help bring up the level of the north end of the kitchen floor (which is about 2" below the south end). This of course is necessary so that when we do, hopefully, get new cupboards, they will be somewhat level - no hope of that right now!

Our lovely new wood stove arrived today and is sitting majestically on its new hearth - now we need the mason to come down from Bridgewater and cap our chimney and install the stove. The load of wood hasn't arrived yet so it's sort of a moot point right now anyway.

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