Sunday, June 29, 2008

Holy Mackerel!
Yesterday afternoon, I answered the side door to a very sweet man, Ivan, who lives down the street from us at Atlantic Heights - a rest home for disabled adults. Ivan and Wayne have been pals since we first came here in 2002 and he often stops to chat with Wayne in the yard and always waves hello as he passes, usually on his way to fish in the harbour.

Ivan was stopping by to give us some fresh caught mackerel - the second time he has done this. The first time, fortunately, we had a guest, Ron MacIsaac, an old friend of Wayne's and a native Maritimer who took the fish, filleted them and had them on the barbecue in no time. Absolutely delicious!

This time, as I walked into the kitchen, the bag began to thrash around (it's only about 150 yards to the wharf where Ivan was fishing). In a very typical girl reaction, I screamed and dropped the bag on the counter. After I went to inform Wayne of what had quickly become "his" present, I raced back to the kitchen and tossed the bag in the sink so I wouldn't have mackerel flopping around on the kitchen floor.

Wayne did his best to clean them - assorted hacking and swearing involved - I stayed far away. He barbecued them after the steaks we were having for dinner - he and Tigger seemed to think the fish were just fine.

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