Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pictures Around Town

View from the Lookoff - looking south, note absence of old derelict building on Water St. - improves the view.

Quiet at the beach, low-tide and pristine today.

The new cottage at the east end of the beach - being built for 2 lawyers from Yarmouth - it's lost its shingles a couple of times with storms apparently. Looks nice, but dangerously close to high tide mark.

Side view of cottage

Where the old building on Water St sat - demolished by town after nor'easter in early March destroyed roof. The town offered to knock down the old bank building too -as you can see in the picture below it suffered a great deal of damage in the storm too - holes in the roof, front supports demolished - I doubt it can be saved in the long run but the owners turned down the town.

The area of the old bank building repaired earlier this winter - too little too late, methinks.


  1. Received your blog site from a friend in the pictures. Wish I could buy the old bank building and make a weaving studio in it...but that's a pipe dream! I'm guessing you own the old hotel on the hill above the drugstore...great spot. what is your connection with Lockeport?

  2. Hi Phyllis - we were on holidays about 10 years ago and fell in love with the town so eventually we bought this place. We moved down full-time when my husband retired - I worked in schools so I could come for the summer before that.
    A weaving studio would be great in the bank - you could probably get it quite cheaply but fixing it up again would be very expensive.
